About Bianca


Photo Credit: Silver Chang

I believe in being vulnerable. 

I believe that sharing stories is the most powerful means of forging human connection. The more real we are with one another, the more authentic and enduring our healing can be.

This is my story.

Born and raised in Australia to immigrant parents and surrounded by earthly beauty, I realized at a young age that I was especially in tune with the energy of nature and the people around me. 

I have always been a dreamer, curious and eager to learn about the world beyond where I’d been raised. In my teenage years, in addition to school and ballet and working several jobs, I was bitten by the travel bug. Exploring helped strengthen my curiosity about other cultures and human experiences, and deepen my sense of empathy. I left Australia in my twenties and visited the U.S., Canada, South America and Europe, and eventually landed in London, where I worked as a teacher by day, and in a restaurant by night. When a management opportunity opened in the restaurant, I took it. 

Following my instinct and my heart, and invoking the power of manifestation, I found my way from the U.K. back to the U.S. where I was able to grow my career in both New York and Los Angeles, fulfilling lifelong dreams and goals. 

Then, in 2011, I received devastating news. My father—who had always meant the world to me and been my biggest champion—was diagnosed with cancer. I was distraught. I felt helpless. The only way I knew how to react was to be proactive, so I committed to studying health and wellness, body work and other healing modalities in the same way I immersed myself in my full-time, consuming corporate work. It was my way of coping, both for my father in hopes of finding ways to treat the cancer, and for myself in search of preventative measures. In learning, though, I unlocked more than answers—I discovered a passion. For logistical reasons, I wasn’t yet ready to make a complete career shift, but it was then that I began integrating both practice and study of these methods into my daily life.

The biggest breakdown was the biggest breakthrough.

After several years, my life appeared almost perfect from the outside. I had met and fallen in love with my now wife, I had a job that allowed me to travel and meet people all over the world, I moved into a new home and was opening a new chapter. While I worried about my father and continued to seek and absorb healing strategies, I took comfort that he was stable for a time.

And yet, as fortunate as I felt, I knew something was not quite right inside. I had begun to tangle my personal identity with my work, a tendency which was rooted in a lifelong search for approval, and would become problematic for me. The connection I made between self-worth and my career became toxic, and my hours and output were unsustainable. 

Then, in 2020, even before the Covid-19 pandemic set in, my own world was turned upside down. On a flight from New York to Los Angeles, I felt a sense that something was very wrong. While in the air, my sister left me a message. My father had experienced a fall. I was on a plane to Australia the next day, and the following week, my father was gone. 

What came next was a period in which not only did the world around me feel foreign and chaotic, but I completely lost touch with the person within. My physical health began to reflect the state of my grief-stricken mind. I lost weight rapidly, began having panic attacks and reactions that baffled doctors. Solutions were suggested in the form of medications and tests that only left me feeling worse, with more questions than answers. Talk therapy intensified my anxiety and I suffered from insomnia. I couldn’t eat more than a few bites of food. A point came when I was certain that I was going to die. 

It wasn’t until I reconnected with my hypnotherapist, Alexandra Janelli, that I was able to begin shifting my perspective and making progress. Acupuncture and breathwork brought me back into my body and calmed my nervous system, and only then, after engaging these natural modalities, did I finally begin to heal and see clearly.

It was in the wake of this breaking point and return to myself that I made the decision to begin a new journey. I left behind a job that, to the outside world, seemed “safe and secure.” It was the same sense of curiosity that inspired the travels of my younger years, but now I chose a path that could help people, the way others had done for me.

Every one of us has a story that led us to this point, to converge on this very page—and often they are not easy to tell. I’m sharing now because had no one shared with me, I don’t believe I would have been able to heal. 

Today, my goal, my passion, and my driving force is to help others feel seen and supported, to provide the tools and resources I’ve gathered in my own experience and in my professional development. And ultimately, to be a guide for others on their own journey toward inner peace and freedom. 

This is my story. I look forward to hearing yours.


American Hypnosis Association - Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique

American Hypnosis Association - Healing the Inner Child

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis for Anxieties & Fears

American Hypnosis Association - Trauma Recovery Hypnosis

American Hypnosis Association - Healthy Boundaries

American Hypnosis Association - The Power of Releasing Guilt & Shame

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis & Grief Recovery

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis for Insomnia & Sleep Disorders

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis & Weight Loss

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis & The Law of Attraction

American Hypnosis Association - Past-Life Regression Therapist & Past-Life Regression Therapy

American Hypnosis Association - Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, Advanced Imagery, Mythic & Archetypal, Imagery for Life Passages, Metaphysical Imagery, Therapeutic Imagery Master

American Hypnosis Association - Hypnosis & ADHD

Mike Mandel Hypnosis - NLP Essentials

David Elliott’s Breathwork Healer Training - Levels 1-4

Institute of Integrative Nutrition – Health Coach

Sama Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hour (RYT)

Certified ThetaHealer – Basic DNA

Reiki - Levels I & II


Hypnosis Motivation Institute - Diploma in Hypnotherapy, with Honors

Deakin University - Bachelor Degree in Contemporary Arts, Dance

Deakin University - Bachelor Degree in Teaching, Primary & Secondary


American Hypnosis Association

Hypnotherapists Union 472

Continued Education

Tony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within

Deepak Chopra & Danielle Posa - Corporate Wellbeing & Soul of Leadership Course

Bree Melanson - Psychic Bootcamp